In case you missed it, Fire Door Safety Week was in September 2023. The week aims to raise...
Do you have duties under Martyn’s Law?
The draft Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill (also known as Martyn’s Law) has been ...
We’ve polished off our crystal ball…
The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 is the primary legislation that sets out the ...
Managing occupational health and wellbeing – Time to make it a priority!
System Concepts is proud to announce it has recently added another course to its portfolio...
Workplace Stress – Post-COVID
Employers need to focus on primary and secondary interventions. Primary interventions work...
IOSH Training – delivered your way
Here at System Concepts we understand the value of high quality Health and Safety ...
Sleep – are you getting enough?
The importance of sleep, issues caused by lack of sleep and top tips to improve quality ...
Santa’s workshop hazards – The big reveal
We reveal the 15 health and safety hazards in Santa's workshop...
New HSE talking toolkit launched
The HSE has issued guidance on what employers can do to support employees who have ...
HSE revised guidance on protecting pregnant workers and new mothers
Updates to guidance on risk assessments for pregnant workers and new mothers, stating that...