Design Thinking: Define
Welcome to stage two of the Design Thinking process… Define...
Welcome to stage two of the Design Thinking process… Define...
Welcome to stage two of the Design Thinking process… Define!
Successfully defining the problems faced by your users is essential to offer a clear focus for subsequent design stages. Spending time at this stage, engaging stakeholders, and using proven techniques will minimise obstacles moving forwards.
Download our guidance on how you can succeed at this stage, and discover top tips on service blueprinting, reframing problem statements and sharing information.
The design thinking process, define
We will continue exploring each stage in the Design Thinking process in more detail over the coming weeks. Here is the introduction and the other stages we have covered so far:
If your business needs support implementing a Design Thinking approach, we are here to help.
Welcome to stage two of the Design Thinking process… Define...
Welcome to stage two of the Design Thinking process… Define...
Welcome to the first stage of the Design Thinking process, Empathise...
Welcome to the first stage of the Design Thinking process, Empathise...
Many of you will have come across the term but may not be 100% sure on what it means or how to apply it...
Many of you will have come across the term but may not be 100% sure on what it means or how to apply it...