5 steps to Risk Assessment: Step 3 – Evaluate and control

Health & Safety

Welcome to the third step of our risk assessment series – Evaluate and control…

Now you  have identified the hazards and determined who might be harmed you need to access, or evaluate, the risk.

Our infographic guides you through the process, with practical steps and useful points to consider…

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Download our guidance on this stage –

SCL_5_steps_riskassessment_step3 Evaluate and control

As part our mini series we explore each stage of the Risk Assessment process…


  1. Identify the hazards
  2. Decide who might be harmed
  3. Evaluate and control risks
  4. Record
  5. Review

Speech bubbleNot sure how to identify hazards or evaluate risks? Need help with planning when to review a risk assessment? We are here to help!

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