Accessibility Statement
System Concepts is committed to making the internet accessible and usable. Our website adheres as closely as possible to the Web Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 and we aim to achieve compliance to level AA as a minimum and AAA when possible.
If you experience any accessibility issues or have questions about our accessibility services, please contact us. We value your feedback.
Making web pages accessible
We recommend that you take advantage of the opportunities for customization and accessibility which are included on our site.
ALT text
ALT text (i.e. alternative text) is information embedded in the webpage’s code for pictures and graphics within websites. It uses words to illustrate the content conveyed by the image for those who want it. We know that many screen readers rely heavily on this and our site has ALT text for all images. You can see the ALT text in our site when you disable images or if you are using alternative output technologies.
Font size and colours
You can adjust the appearance and style of the web pages on this and other sites by adjusting the settings for font size and colour in your browser.
PDF and Flash guidance
Adobe, the maker of Adobe Acrobat and the .pdf file format, has many suggestions on how to improve the accessibility of PDF documents and Flash animations. More information can be found on Adobe’s website.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Many users have preconfigured their browsers and operating systems for their best viewing conditions. Rather than dictate how our site is best viewed, we have separated content from the appearance of the site by using CSS to present our content flexibly in a variety of browsers. That way you get to see the site the way you want to see it.
Accessibility features of our site
This site has several features, purposely included to maximise its accessibility to all.
Meaningful tab order
We have designed our site so that it contains a meaningful tab order which allows users to move through the site in a way that is logical and makes sense. This saves everyone time and assists users of alternative input devices as well as those who rely on keyboard input.
Sitemap and search
We want to enable you to access the content of our site in the way you find most comfortable, so we have provided a sitemap and a search facility. The sitemap helps you find your place in the site and the search box gives flexibility to find the content that matters to you.
Top-of-page navigation links
Hidden navigation links in websites can allow screen reader users to skip the navigation and go straight to the main content. We know that assistive technologies, such as screen-readers, often start at the top of a page so we put our navigation links there. This allows you to easily navigate within our site.
For more information about how to modify your computer’s settings to increase accessibility please visit BBC My Web My Way. We work extensively with the BBC, which is one of our partners in our commitment to accessibility.